Saad Ashardi

Visual Development | Graphic Designer | Video Editor | Marketing Analyst

Gamifying art exploring around Riyadh city hubs!

Designed, animated and projected allover Kindi Plaza walls.

About image
A Saudi artist interested in Animations, Comics and Games. Specialized in Character Design.

Aiming to participate in producing and exporting entertainment products from Saudi Arabia to both local and global audiences via aligning with my country's vision (vision 2030) and my devoted passion of creating and designing to deliver my message and fulfil my purpose as an artist and eventually lay a better ground for the next generation of Saudi artists.

Current research\visual studies I'm interested in:

  • Character's Marketability.
    From Character Writing, Research, Aesthetic, Dynamic and Voice.. discoveries around different formulas aligning with marketability needs, developed by studios which gave birth to entertainment industries (Osamu Tezuka, Nintendo, Sega, Disney..etc).

  • Saudi Social Norms in Relation of Character Visual Design & Global Marketing .
    A complicated relation that is necessary to be defined in our region for marketing effectiveness, as it is one of essential aspects to what makes or break studios or any brand's financial support and revenue.

  • Colorful and Commercial Character Designing.
    - On a Marketing aspect such as (Billboard worthy designs..etc).
    - Other educational\therapeutic aspects focuses on discoveries around Japan's market art direction "Pop and colorful characters" feasibility on providing troubled children an escapism(sanctuary), and whether or whether-not it's contributing to shaping them into a dissociated from reality, entertainment-addicted social individuals. 

  • Characters Visual Appeal to a targeted audience and accuracy in character development-research under the light of Product Marketing successfulness, and it's methods to generate revenue for studios and IP's. Inspired by Japan's marketing schemes that have been taking the world by a storm of success with huge franchises such as (Final Fantasy, Fire Emblem ..etc).

  • Sharing Saudi-Culture related  and relatable stories (Both real and fantasy) with the whole world in a globally appealing style while keeping it relatable and honest to everyday life of the Saudi citizen. Observing top entities in the industry such as Japan, USA and France studios is the determining factor for this study.

  • Global & Local (hybrid) Characters Marketing Feasibility.
  • Riyadh, Riyadh Region, Saudi Arabia